Living with Depression: Someone brave reached out to me!

September 08, 2021

Broken but Beautiful!
2 min readSep 8, 2021

A stranger reached out to me. I shared my story in a closed womens’ group and then she reached out to me from there. She was hurt, she was suffering so bad. She wanted to die! Her heart is broken into so many pieces. She was left alone by her loved one, who she trusted so much! With whom she wanted to find peace! But instead, she was betrayed and was called ‘mental’ because of her depression. She was burning inside for her pain! I could feel her. My eyes teared up, but I remained strong for her. I am so amazed by her bravery! She reached out to a complete stranger, just by reading a story, and decided to be completely vulnerable! She let me in. She let me in like no one else ever did. Even I never let anyone in like that!

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I did not give her any advice. I just listened. I was just being there for her, feeling her pain intensely, supporting her, being there for her. And with that, she found hope. Her constant burning cooled down a little bit. We talked the next day and the next day too. Just sharing what we are really feeling. Trying to comfort each other. Just the feeling that someone else understands is so powerful, I never could understand before! I am glad that she reached out. I did not tell her this but she was so brave and inspiring that I wish to be brave like her someday. It will take time, but I hope she heals from it soon. Can’t wait to see this beautiful soul find peace and shine again!

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If you are struggling or know someone struggling, please seek help. Find professional help if you can. Find someone who would understand your pain. Do share you feeling, share your pain. You can also email me here for support: <>. if uncomfortable, email anonymously. But don’t suffer alone. We are in this together! Let’s be kind to ourselves.

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